
We are very much aware of Dental phobia which is why we have created an atmosphere that is relaxed and an environment that is safe for our clients as they receive cosmetic dentistry and general treatments. Sedation is one of the treatments that we offer for patients who are nervous and dental phobic.

Dental phobia presents itself in different forms and they include the following:

  • The fear of dentists
  • The fear of dental treatments
  • The fear of dental environments

It is normal for patients to experience certain anxieties owing to various reasons like a past experience that did not go well or simply for the fear of the dental drill and the needle.

We provide our clients with a safe, effective and totally relaxed dental care, our certified dentists are always ready to provide relaxation treatments to calm your nerves.

The relaxation treatments available at our clinics include the following:

  • IV sedation
  • Inhalation sedation
  • Conscious sedation

Conscious sedation is offered to relax the patient and also to offer pain-free treatments while they are fully conscious. For those who can hardly stay calm during treatment, deep sedation is offered where they sleep throughout the procedure.

Medication for sedation can be administered orally, through inhalation or intravenously (IV). As soon as the medication takes effect, the patient becomes calm and therefore ready for treatment.

For patients who prefer them, there are other relaxation techniques available and they include the following:

  • Meditation
  • Talk therapy
  • Listening to music

These options can be used in conjunction with sedation treatments for greater effect.